Failure teaches success.
先日納品が終わったリバーシブルジャケットでの大失敗。。Failure teaches success. ..
A big mistake with the reversible jackets that was delivered the other day... -
#004 Delivery Start
We are happy to announce that the delivery of #004 has started.
Ohta Design
自分に唯一、師匠と呼ばせて頂ける方がいるとしたらOhta Design...
The only person who I can call my mentor might be Mr. Rikuo Ohta of Ohta Design...
Wear a T-shirt inside out
That was certainly when I was in the 7th grade, so I think it was around 1989. -
LANI'S General Store 2021 Fall
LANI'S General Store 2021年秋物のサンプルを先日仕上げました。
The other day, I finished making new samples of LANI'S General Store 2021 autumn collection.
Cut & Paste
I repeat the work of cutting and sewing the fabric every day.
Sometimes I cut out a photo on my computer and paste it. -
One day at my studio
ある日の作業風景を写真家のShota Akiyoshi氏に撮影頂きました。
One day, I had photographer Shota Akiyoshi take pictures of my work scene.
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